Revisit the self-playing pianos of the golden 1920s

19 September 2024 – 30 November 2025

The golden 1920s were a time of non-conformism and hedonism. The Museum of Music Automatons will host a special exhibition called “Magic Piano” dedicated to the self-playing pianos from that time.
The catalogues of such companies as Welte, Hupfeld, Philipps, Aeolian and the American Piano Company read like a Who’s who of pianists, composers and conductors from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A generation of well-known artists played music through a special recording process. However, many names – including those of pianists – have faded from memory and are waiting to be rediscovered in the museum collection.

Brief info:
A generation of famous artists played music through a special recording process for self-playing pianos. However, many of them – including pianists – have faded from memory and are waiting to be rediscovered in the museum collection.